Category: Admin News
Quarterly IVAC Meeting on April 11, 2018
Quarterly IVAC Meeting on April 11, 2018
The next quarterly IVAC meeting will be on April 11, 2018 at the Idaho State Veterans Home in Pocatello, ID at 8:00 AM MT.
IVAC Agenda April 2018
Next IVAC Meeting Scheduled for April 11, 2018
Next IVAC Meeting Scheduled for April 11, 2018
The next IVAC meeting will be on April 11, 2018 at 8:30 AM at the Idaho State Veterans Home – Pocatello. 1957 Alvin Ricken Drive Pocatello, ID 83201.
Idaho Division of Veterans Services Administrator Retires
Idaho Division of Veterans Services Administrator Retires
CONTACT: Tracy Schaner, (208) 780-1300
January 30, 2018
(BOISE) – Colonel David E. Brasuell, administrator of the Idaho Division of Veterans Services (IDVS), announced his retirement today.
Brasuell has been with IDVS since his 2006 appointment by then-Governor Jim Risch. He previously was a program manager with Idaho Department of Correction in Pocatello and served on the Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission.
Brasuell retired as colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves with a combined 30 years of active and reserve service. He received his bachelor’s degree in health from Oregon State University and his master’s degree from Central Michigan University.
While in the Marine Corps, Colonel Brasuell held positions overseeing logistics, operations, safety, training, facility maintenance and repair, facility management/planning, airfield support operations, project administration, coordination of staff functions, crisis management, security, facilities inspections, engineer operations and support, and a number of leadership billets.
“Serving as a Marine and public service have been the highlights of my career. It has been wonderful to work with so many dedicated IDVS and State employees in service to our veterans,” Brasuell said. “A special thanks to all our veteran service organizations that we depend on to really make a difference in the lives of our nation’s veterans. I would like to thank the Governor for allowing me the honor of serving Idaho and America’s heroes.”
The five-member Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission will recommend a successor to Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter, who will appoint Brasuell’s replacement at the agency.
Update Regarding Potential F-35 ANG Mission at Gowen Field
Update Regarding Potential F-35 ANG Mission at Gowen Field
Attached below are two info-graphics about the potential location of F-35 fighter aircraft at Gowen Field. You can find additional information about efforts to bring the F-35 to Gowen Field at
Check out “Gowen Strong – Good for Idaho, Good for America” from BVEP on Vimeo.
The video is available for your viewing pleasure at
F-35 Infographic
Gowen Strong Infographic
IVAC Quarterly Meeting
IVAC Quarterly Meeting
The April Quarterly Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission meeting will be held at the Idaho State Veterans Home in Pocatello on April 11, 2018 at 8:30 AM (Mountain Time).