OJT and Apprenticeship Resources
The GI Bill® can be used in support of OJT (On the Job Training) and Apprenticeships, provided the training program is approved by the State Approving Agency. This is an industry-based training in which a Veteran or eligible beneficiary earns an entry-level wage while training for a designated skill or trade in a goal-oriented program. OJT’s and Apprenticeships offer a variety of training experiences and a majority of trades are approvable providing that the establishment can satisfy the approval criteria.
- An OJT program is acceptable in length when it is at least six months, but not more than two years of full-time training per 38 CFR 21.4262(c)(3).
- An APP is a program that ranges from 2,000 to 10,000 hours in length and requires related training from an institution.
For more information, please see the brochures below.
Approved Apprenticeship and OJT Programs
To find Idaho facilities approved to participate as a GI Bill® Apprenticeship or OJT training establishment, please search Public WEAMS. Choose “On the Job Training/Apprenticeship” in the Program Type drop down, then click on Idaho. Approved facilities will be shown in alphabetical order.