Category: Resources
Idaho Veteran’s Emergency Relief Grant Application
Idaho Veteran’s Emergency Relief Grant Application
The Chief Administrator of the Division of Veterans Services has the authority under Idaho Code, as the Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission shall determine to be reasonably required, to extend financial relief and assistance to destitute Veterans and to those dependent upon such destitute Veterans through what henceforth will be called the Veterans Services Emergency Relief Program.
Relief grants are provided to eligible individuals for the purchase of food, fuel, shelter, and other necessities of daily living in a time of temporary emergency need. No grants will be made to residents of domiciliaries or long-term care facilities or to a potential recipient who refuses to take advantage of available government benefits or federal-state- local relief. Applicants will be required to obtain certification that they have applied for available assistance programs. Emergency relief funds may not be used to duplicate assistance from other sources.
Amounts of grants will depend upon facts and conditions as shown on the application submitted. A grant amount will be determined in proportion to the extent of the emergency and the length of time assistance is required. Grant recipients may receive only one (1) grant in a six (6) month period. In no case will a grant exceed one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500), and the lifetime total of all grants awarded to a Veteran and their dependents shall not exceed one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500). All grants are subject to the availability of funds.
Basic Eligibility.
The applicant must provide proof of the following eligibility criteria:
- Bona Fide Resident. The applicant maintains, at the time of application, a principal or primary place of abode in the state of Idaho and has the present intent to remain at that home or abode and return to it after any period of absence.
- Veteran Separated Under Honorable Conditions. Pursuant to Section 65-203, Idaho Code, the applicant is a person who served on active duty in the United States military, naval, or air service and was discharged or separated under honorable conditions after ninety (90) days of continuous active duty, or was separated or discharged from military service earlier than ninety (90) days under honorable conditions because of a service-connected disability.
- Idaho as Home of Record. Idaho was the applicant’s home of record while completing their term of service. The Chief Administrator of IDVS may waive the home of record requirement if the applicant has resided in Idaho for a minimum of five (5) years.
Persons to Receive Relief – Classifications.
Emergency relief grants may be made by the Idaho Division of Veterans Services to veterans and their dependents who come under the following classifications:
- Destitute Veterans. Those persons meeting the basic eligibility criteria who demonstrate a state of extreme emergency need resulting from an accident or catastrophic event which has occurred within ninety (90) days of the date of the application for emergency relief, unless such ninety (90) day period is waived by the Chief Administrator of IDVS.
- Disabled Veterans. Those persons meeting the basic eligibility criteria who demonstrate a state of extreme emergency need who are unemployed as the result of a disabling condition which has occurred within ninety (90) days of the date of application for emergency relief, unless such ninety (90) day period is waived by the Division Administrator.
- Surviving Spouse and Dependent Children. Surviving spouses and dependent children of Veterans meeting the above eligibility requirements.
Idaho Veterans Recognition Fund
Idaho Veterans Recognition Fund
The Idaho Veterans Recognition Fund is a grant program that allocates funds solely to benefit veterans in Idaho, with priority given to activities that serve disabled veterans. The Idaho Veterans Recognition Fund is subject to appropriation by the legislature.
The Idaho Veterans Recognition Fund Committee will not be allocating funds in FY 2023. This is due to the fund being significantly depleted from funding construction for the new Post Falls Veterans Home. The Committee will re-evaluate in FY2023 whether grant funds will be allocated in FY 2024.
Note: The State of Idaho’s Fiscal Year runs from July 1 through June 30.
The Veterans Recognition Fund was established by Idaho Statute, Section 65-702, Idaho Code, to fund programs that support the service of Idaho veterans of the armed forces of the United States.
The Division’s policy is to fund programs operated both within and outside state and local government, which solely benefits veterans in Idaho. Priority will be given to activities that serve disabled veterans, as well as those that will serve the greatest number of veterans, and for which there is no other source of funding. Veterans Recognition Fund grants are not provided to support the basic needs of individual veterans or their families. The Division will refer applicants for grants to support the needs of individuals to the Veterans Services Emergency Relief Program.
Individuals, organizations, and governmental entities, including bureaus of the Division, may submit applications for funding from the Program.
Any purpose meeting the objective of supporting veterans of the armed forces of the United States and not explicitly excluded is eligible for consideration to receive a grant under the Program. Eligible activities and costs include:
- Programs to inform veterans and the public of services and programs for veterans, including programs offered by the Division.
- Programs that may fill gaps in services.
- Programs providing career training to veterans, including programs providing educational scholarships.
- Programs providing training to individuals and organizations supporting veterans, including employees of public and private organizations assisting veterans with healthcare, education, and assistance in obtaining public benefits.
- The acquisition of equipment supporting the health, rehabilitation, or recreational activities of veterans.
- Programs providing social, health, rehabilitation, or recreational activities or care to veterans.
Grants shall not be used for political, lobbying, religious, or illegal activities. Ineligible activities include:
- Advocacy on behalf of individual applicants for public benefits.
- The provision of educational information to public officials concerning the needs of veterans that does not advocate for or support specific legislative proposals.
All grant recipients shall comply with applicable law in the conduct of programs supported by a Program grant. Public entities and employees receiving or administering grant funds shall comply with the ethics, personnel, bidding, and accounting requirements generally applicable to the entity or individual. Unless specifically provided in the grant, no official or officer of a grant recipient, individual grant recipient, or family member of an official or officer of a grant recipient or family member of an individual grant recipient shall personally profit financially from a Program grant.
Applicants will submit grant proposals using the Veterans Recognition Fund Grant Application attached.
IDVS staff and the Administrator will review proposals for completeness and compliance with these rules and will make recommendations for awards to the Idaho Veterans Recognition Fund Committee. The Committee will evaluate grant proposals annually during a meeting to be held in conjunction with the April meeting of the Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission. The Committee will provide their recommendations and prioritization to the Administrator, who will include them in the annual Division budget request to the Governor. Grant funds approved during the budget process will be paid to grant applicants by the division after the beginning of the fiscal year for which it was budgeted.
The Committee may establish conditions or requirements for the expenditure of grant funds in a written agreement between the Committee, the Division, and the grant recipient. Conditions and requirements may include:
- The provision of matching funds from the grant recipient.
- The issuance of grant funds on a cost reimbursement basis.
- The submission of status and final reports.
- A completion date for the project of program.
- Bidding requirements for the expenditure of grant funds.
- Publication of credit to a grant from the Veterans Recognition Fund.
- A written accounting of the use of grant funds and copies of all receipts associated with the expenditure of grant funds.
Grant funding may be terminated by the Committee at any time, for the use of grant funds in violation of these rules, the terms of the grant, or violation of any applicable law. Upon receipt of a written notice of termination, the grantee will immediately cease all expenditures of grant funds and return all unspent grant funds. The Committee may require a written accounting of the use of grant funds upon the termination of funding and may deny payment for costs claimed by the grant recipient and not substantiated by written documentation.
If you feel your program meets the criteria above and you would like to apply for a Veterans Recognition Fund grant, please complete the attached application and
mail to: Idaho Division of Veterans Services, 351 Collins Road, Boise, Idaho 83702
or fax: 208-780-1301
Again, thank you for your interest in the Veterans Recognition Fund grant program. If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact the Idaho Division of Veterans Services at 208-780-1300
Idaho Veterans Support Fund
Idaho Veterans Support Fund
The Veterans Support Fund was established by Idaho Statue, Section 65-209, Idaho Code, to fund programs to support veterans of the armed forces of the United States.
The Division’s policy is to fund programs operated both within and outside state and local government, which support Idaho veterans. Veterans Support Funds are not provided to support the basic needs of individual veterans or their families. Priority will be given to proposals that will serve the greatest number of veterans, and for which there is no other source of funding.
Eligible applicants include individuals, organizations, and governmental entities, including bureaus of the Idaho Division of Veterans Services.
Eligible activities and costs include:
- Programs to inform veterans and the public of services and programs for veterans.
- Programs providing career training to veterans, including programs providing educational scholarships.
- Programs providing training to individuals and organizations supporting veterans, including employees of public and private organizations assisting veterans with healthcare, education, and assistance in obtaining public benefits.
- Acquisition of equipment to support the health, rehabilitation, recreational activities and care of veterans.
- Financial support or sponsorship of ceremonies celebrating or honoring the service of veterans.
- Programs providing social, health, rehabilitation, recreational activities or care to veterans.
Unless specifically stated, no official or officer of recipient organization, individual recipient, or family member of an official or officer of a recipient organization or family member of an individual recipient shall personally profit financially from program funds.
If you feel your program meets the criteria above and you would like to apply for Veterans Support Funds, please complete the attached application and
mail to:
Idaho Division of Veterans Services
C/O Veterans Support Fund
351 Collins Road
Boise, Idaho 83702
or email:
Again, thank you for your interest in the Veterans Support Fund program. If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact the Idaho Division of Veterans Services at 208-780-1300.