Rendering of Post Falls Veterans Home Front Entrance in front of construction site.
Veteran signing the beam.
Veterans signing the beam.
Deputy Chief Administrator Tracy Schaner signing the beam, with Lewiston Home Administrator in the foreground.
More Veterans signing the beam.
IDVS employee Mitzi Cheldelin and DPW employee Elaine Hill with the beam.
Therapy and Sports “Bar” Entry Rendering.
Major Sanchez, US Army with IVAC Commissioner Jinny Cash.
Construction Site.
Veterans and members of the public signing the beam.
IDVS Chief Administrator Mark Tschampl before the event begins.
Governor Little
Attendees honoring the flag as the national anthem plays.
Governor Little speaking to the public.
Mayor Jacobson of Post Falls speaking to the crowd.
Don Jacklin speaking to the crowd.
Doyle Jacklin speaking to the crowd.
L to R: Post Falls Mayor Jacobson, Len Crosby, IDVS Chief Administrator Mark Tschampl, Governor Brad Little, Don Jacklin, and Doyle Jacklin.
Members of the Jacklin Family signing the beam.
Members of the Jacklin Family signing the beam.
IDVS Chief Administrator Mark Tschampl signing the beam.
Beam being lifted.
Beam being raised by crane.
Crane positioning the beam.
Beam being placed.
Beam in place.
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