Category: Admin News
Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission Quarterly Meeting
The next Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission Quarterly Meeting is on January 9, 2025 at the IDVS Central Support Office in Boise.
Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission Quarterly Meeting
The next Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission Quarterly Meeting is on October 23, 2024 at the Idaho State Veterans Home in Lewiston.
Notice of Rulemaking – Adoption of Temporary Rule
DOCKET NO. 21-0104-2401
EFFECTIVE DATE: The effective date of the temporary rule is April 10, 2024.
AUTHORITY: In compliance with Sections 67-5226, Idaho Code, notice is hereby given this agency has adopted a temporary rule. The action is authorized pursuant to Section(s) 65-108 and 65-202, Idaho Code.
DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY: The following is the required finding and concise statement of its supporting reasons for adopting a temporary rule: This Temporary Rule will expand eligibility for interment at Idaho State Veterans Cemeteries to non-retiree Guard and Reservists who completed an enlistment of service honorably but are otherwise ineligible because they were never activated federally or did not complete enough service time to retire out of the Guard or Reserves.
TEMPORARY RULE JUSTIFICATION: Pursuant to Section(s) 67-5226(1)(c), Idaho Code, the Governor has found that temporary adoption of the rule is appropriate for the following reasons: The rule complies with a new federal law, PUBLIC LAW 117-103 THE CONSOLIDATED APPROPRIATIONS ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022 (Burial Equity for Guards and Reserves Act) which expands eligibility for State Veterans Cemeteries to non-military retiree Guard and Reservists without risking eligibility for VA Construction Grants for State Veterans Cemeteries.
FEE SUMMARY: Pursuant to Section 67-5226(2), the Governor has found that the fee or charge being imposed or increased is justified and necessary to avoid immediate danger and the fee is described herein: This law expands eligibility for burial National Guard and Reservists but does not expand eligibility for VA burial benefits. These newly eligible individuals who wish to be buried in the State Veterans Cemetery will have to cover the cost (equivalent to the VA reimbursement/plot allowance benefit) themselves.
ASSISTANCE ON TECHNICAL QUESTIONS: For assistance on technical questions concerning the temporary rule, contact Kevin Wallior, 208-780-1308.
Kevin R. Wallior
Management Assistant
Idaho Division of Veterans Services
351 N. Collins Road
Boise, ID 83702
Ph: 208-780-1308; fax: 208-780-1301
Idaho Administrative Bulletin May 1, 2024 – Vol 24-5 (Full Bulletin)
Docket No 21-0104-2401 Excerpt from Idaho Administrative Bulletin May 1, 2024 – Vol 24-5 (Excerpt from the May Idaho Administrative Bulletin. Includes the Notice of Adoption of Temporary Rule and the text of the changes to IDAPA 21.01.04.
April 2024 Quarterly IVAC Meeting Scheduled
The Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for April 10, 2024 at 8:30 AM MT. It will be conducted at the Idaho Division of Veterans Services Central Support Office and via Microsoft Teams.
Quarterly IVAC Meeting Scheduled
Quarterly IVAC Meeting Scheduled
The Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for January 19, 2023 at 8:30 AM MT. It will be conducted at the Idaho Division of Veterans Services Central Support Office and via Microsoft Teams.
Idaho Division of Veterans Services Announces Dedication Ceremony & Open House of the Idaho State Veterans Home in Post Falls
Post Falls, ID – The newest Idaho State Veterans Home located at 590 S. Pleasant View Road, Post Falls, Idaho 83854, will hold a Dedication Ceremony on Friday, November 11, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. The ceremony was scheduled to take place outside, but due to the current weather conditions will be moved indoors. There will be LIMITED CAPACITY for the Ceremony (maximum 170). Admittance will begin at 1:40 p.m. and is on a first come basis. Street parking is available or a parking lot behind the facility can be accessed from 1180 Clearwater Loop.
Due to limited capacity for the Ceremony, the public is encouraged to attend the facility Open House afterwards from 3:00-5:00 p.m.
For the Ceremony, Governor Brad Little will be in attendance and will read a Veterans Day Proclamation. The keynote speaker will be Post Falls resident Len Crosby, who is a Vietnam Veteran, Silver Star and Double Purple Heart recipient. Special guests will include former Idaho Governor Butch Otter, Post Falls Mayor Ron Jacobson, Idaho Veteran Affairs Commission members, along with other local dignitaries and business professionals.
Idaho Division of Veterans Services broke ground and began site work on the Veterans Home in late 2020. Full time construction commenced in April 2021, and a publicly attended “topping out” ceremony was held in August 2021 when the final steel beam of the frame was hoisted into place.
The Post Falls Veterans Home is a 64-bed skilled nursing facility which has a centralized community center, chapel, therapy room, dining room, sports bar with big screen televisions, multiple common areas, and a canteen. The facility also includes a common food preparation area, a laundry facility, maintenance supply areas, a covered pickup and drop-off area, and parking for 90 vehicles.
Two State Veteran Service Officers (VSOs) from the Office of Veterans Advocacy will have offices in the building. Their job is to help all area veterans, their family members and survivors pursue federal and state benefits they have earned through their military service. These State VSOs are currently located at the Kootenai County Veteran Services Office. State VSO’s will move but the County VSO will remain at the 120 Railroad Ave location in Post Falls.
To submit a pre-admission application to the Post Falls Veterans Home or the other Homes in Boise, Lewiston, or Pocatello please go to:
If you would like to work at this new facility and offer quality care to our U.S. Military Veterans please check out open positions at: Job Opportunities | Locations: post falls | Departments: Division of Veterans Services | Sorted by Posting Date descending | State of Idaho ( There are open positions for Social Workers, Nursing Staff, and Kitchen/Dietary Staff.
Post Falls Dedication Flyer (.pdf)
Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission Quarterly Meeting
The Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission Quarterly Meeting is on Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at 8:30 AM MT.
You can view the agenda at
Notice of Intent to Promulgate Rules – Negotiated Rulemaking
Notice of Intent to Promulgate Rules – Negotiated Rulemaking
DOCKET NO. 21-0104-2101
AUTHORITY: In compliance with Sections 67-5220(1) and 67-5220(2), Idaho Code, notice is hereby given that this agency intends to promulgate rules and desires public comment prior to initiating formal rulemaking procedures. This negotiated rulemaking action is authorized pursuant to Section 65-502, Idaho Code.
MEETING SCHEDULE: A public meeting on the negotiated rulemaking will be held as follows:
Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 2:00 PM MT Idaho Division of Veterans Services 351 Collins Road, Boise, ID 83702
The meeting site(s) will be accessible to persons with disabilities, if needed. Requests for accommodation must be made not later than five (5) days prior to the meeting to the agency address below.
METHOD OF PARTICIPATION: Persons wishing to participate in the negotiated rulemaking must do the following:
Respond to this notice by contacting the undersigned either in writing, by email, or by calling the phone number listed below. To participate, responses must be received by June 30, 2021;
All comments be submitted in writing for the record.
Upon conclusion of the negotiated rulemaking, any unresolved issues, all key issues considered, and conclusion reached during the negotiated rulemaking will be addressed in a written summary. The summary will be made available to interested persons who contact the agency or, if the agency chooses, the summary may be posted on the agency website.
DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY AND STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: The following is a statement in nontechnical language of the substance and purpose of the intended negotiated rulemaking and the principal issues involved:
As directed by Executive Order 2020-01: Zero-Based Regulation, IDAPA 21.01.04, “Rules Governing the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery,” is being reviewed to seek opportunities to simplify and streamline this rule. Additionally, citizens will have an opportunity to comment on a proposed fee increase.
ASSISTANCE ON TECHNICAL QUESTIONS, SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS, OBTAINING DRAFT COPIES: For assistance on technical questions concerning this negotiated rulemaking or to obtain a preliminary draft copy of the rule text, contact Kevin Wallior 208-780-1308. Materials pertaining to the negotiated rulemaking, including any available preliminary rule drafts, can be found on the Idaho Division of Veterans Services web site at the following web address:
Anyone may submit written comments regarding this negotiated rulemaking. All written comments must be directed to the undersigned and must be delivered on or before June 30, 2021.
DATED this May 12, 2021.
Kevin Wallior, Management Assistant
Idaho Division of Veterans Services
351 Collins Road
Boise, ID 83702
Phone: 208-780-1308
Fax: 208-780-1301
Current IDAPA 21.01.04 Rules Governing the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery
Preliminary Draft IDAPA 21.01.04 Rules Governing the Idaho State Veterans Cemeteries
Exciting Addition by Idaho Artist Benjamin Victor to be Unveiled at the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery
Exciting Addition by Idaho Artist Benjamin Victor to be Unveiled at the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery