Category: Publications
2025 Idaho Disabled Veterans Special Big Game Hunt Application Now Available
The Application window for the 2025 Veterans Elk Hunt is approaching!
Applications must be submitted between January 2 and January 31, 2025.
Idaho Fish and Game makes five tags available each year to disabled veterans. Tags are eligible for any hunt for deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, black bear, or mountain lion (except controlled hunts with less than 5 tags are not eligible). If chosen, participants are exempt from licensing requirements and the tag is free. The tag is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Each year, the Idaho Division of Veterans Services will screen all applicants and provide a list of screened applicants to Idaho Department of Fish and Game in priority order of issuance. The top two candidates sponsored by Idaho Divisions of Veterans Services will receive a tag and Fish and Game will issue the three remaining tags to candidates sponsored by other qualified organizations. The application below is for the two Idaho Disabled Veterans Special Big Game Hunt tags sponsored by the Idaho Division of Veteran Services.
To be sponsored for a Disabled Veterans Special Big Game Hunt tag by the Idaho Division of Veteran Services you must be a resident of Idaho and have a disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs. If you are not a resident of Idaho you will need to find another qualified organization to sponsor you. You can apply for one of the other 3 available tags allocated by Idaho Fish and Game using the application located at
Please fill out the below application and either mail it to Idaho Division of Veterans Services, Attn: Disabled Veterans Special Big Game Hunt, 351 Collins Road, Boise, Idaho 83702; fax it to 208-780-1301 or email it to
A committee consisting of past hunt participants, a representative from the Idaho Veterans Affairs Commission, veteran service organization representatives and personnel from the Idaho Division of Veterans Services will make the final selections. The selected veterans will be notified by IDVS. All personal information submitted will be confidential and used only by the selection committee. Please note that the committee may reach out to you to interview you if more information is required to make their selection.
If you have any questions about this program or the application process please contact Kevin Wallior, 208-780-1308 or
Pre-Registration Application
Pre-Registration is a means to verify eligibility in advance for those veterans, guardsman, reservist, and their spouse or dependents who are interested in interment in the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery (Boise or Blackfoot). With the proof of eligibility on file, a family no longer has the burden of acquiring these records at the time of death. There is no cost for pre-registration, and it does not obligate you to be placed at the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery (Boise or Blackfoot), nor does it reserve a specific plot. It also does not constitute a “pre-needs arrangement contract” with the cemetery; for that, we recommend that you create a will or burial plan.
Download file to computer before filling out form.
Boise Pre-Registration Application
Blackfoot Pre-Registration Application
Request for Burial / Inurnment
Form for requesting interment at the time of need. The Funeral Director can submit the completed application and copies of required documentation via email or fax to the appropriate cemetery office. Alternately, the Next-of-Kin can meet with the Cemetery Staff in person, and we will assist you with the request form and other details for your loved one’s interment. If you need further assistance, please call the appropriate cemetery office.
Please ensure all requests are filled out completely to insure both timely scheduling of interments and ordering of markers. We need both the service member’s and spouse’s social security numbers and next-of-kins address to complete the necessary steps in ordering the gravesite marker.
Download file to computer before filling out form.
Checklist for Next-of-Kin
Cemetery Information
General information regarding eligibility requirements, pre-registration, requesting placement at the time of death, burial benefits & fees, plot types & markers, committal services, how to find a gravesite, and hours of operation. Please select the appropriate cemetery document for information.
Idaho State Veterans Cemetery Map
Printable map of plot locations at the:
Idaho State Veterans Cemetery- Boise
Idaho State Veterans Cemetery – Blackfoot
Use with the Idaho State Veteran’s Cemetery Grave Locator Web App (
Use with the Nationwide Gravesite Locator on your smartphone.
Marker Inscription Request
This form must be submitted to the cemetery office on the day of the service. When the second person is laid to rest, the marker will be replaced with the required information and additional inscription for both decedents. For questions or assistance, please call the appropriate cemetery office.
Download file to computer before filling out form.
Example Marker Inscription Request Forms:
Floral Regulations
A description of what is permitted and not permitted in regards to floral arrangements at grave sites.
Idaho State Veterans Cemetery Floral Regulations – Boise
Idaho State Veterans Cemetery Floral Regulations – Blackfoot
Donation Opportunities
The Idaho State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Walk program provides support for the interment of indigent veterans. Bricks are available to individuals, groups and corporations for inscription for a donation of $100 per brick.
Idaho Veterans Wreaths is a community-based initiative organized by Idaho Veterans Network, a non-profit veteran support organization. This new initiative replaces the former Wreaths Across American program. Please visit
Donation Opportunities – Boise