Location: Post Falls Veterans Home
Idaho State Veterans Home Admissions Application
This application is used for all Idaho State Veterans Homes. It is a fillable .pdf.
Effective July 1, 2024 the following application will be used: Idaho State Veterans Home Admission Application (Effective July 1 2024) (fillable)
Idaho Division of Veterans Services Announces Dedication Ceremony & Open House of the Idaho State Veterans Home in Post Falls
Post Falls, ID – The newest Idaho State Veterans Home located at 590 S. Pleasant View Road, Post Falls, Idaho 83854, will hold a Dedication Ceremony on Friday, November 11, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. The ceremony was scheduled to take place outside, but due to the current weather conditions will be moved indoors. There will be LIMITED CAPACITY for the Ceremony (maximum 170). Admittance will begin at 1:40 p.m. and is on a first come basis. Street parking is available or a parking lot behind the facility can be accessed from 1180 Clearwater Loop.
Due to limited capacity for the Ceremony, the public is encouraged to attend the facility Open House afterwards from 3:00-5:00 p.m.
For the Ceremony, Governor Brad Little will be in attendance and will read a Veterans Day Proclamation. The keynote speaker will be Post Falls resident Len Crosby, who is a Vietnam Veteran, Silver Star and Double Purple Heart recipient. Special guests will include former Idaho Governor Butch Otter, Post Falls Mayor Ron Jacobson, Idaho Veteran Affairs Commission members, along with other local dignitaries and business professionals.
Idaho Division of Veterans Services broke ground and began site work on the Veterans Home in late 2020. Full time construction commenced in April 2021, and a publicly attended “topping out” ceremony was held in August 2021 when the final steel beam of the frame was hoisted into place.
The Post Falls Veterans Home is a 64-bed skilled nursing facility which has a centralized community center, chapel, therapy room, dining room, sports bar with big screen televisions, multiple common areas, and a canteen. The facility also includes a common food preparation area, a laundry facility, maintenance supply areas, a covered pickup and drop-off area, and parking for 90 vehicles.
Two State Veteran Service Officers (VSOs) from the Office of Veterans Advocacy will have offices in the building. Their job is to help all area veterans, their family members and survivors pursue federal and state benefits they have earned through their military service. These State VSOs are currently located at the Kootenai County Veteran Services Office. State VSO’s will move but the County VSO will remain at the 120 Railroad Ave location in Post Falls.
To submit a pre-admission application to the Post Falls Veterans Home or the other Homes in Boise, Lewiston, or Pocatello please go to: https://veterans.idaho.gov/pressrelease/idaho-state-veterans-home-admissions-application/
If you would like to work at this new facility and offer quality care to our U.S. Military Veterans please check out open positions at: Job Opportunities | Locations: post falls | Departments: Division of Veterans Services | Sorted by Posting Date descending | State of Idaho (governmentjobs.com). There are open positions for Social Workers, Nursing Staff, and Kitchen/Dietary Staff.
Post Falls Dedication Flyer (.pdf)
Idaho State Veterans Home – Post Falls Now Accepting Pre-Admission Applications.
The Idaho State Veterans Home – Post Falls is now accepting pre-admission applications. Interested Veterans and spouses can submit an application for residency at the newest Idaho State Veterans Home and be added to the wait list.
Post Falls Veterans Home – Construction Progress (August 2022)
Post Falls Veterans Home – Construction Progress
June 18, 2022
Significant progress has been made and the newest Idaho State Veterans Home is on pace to open later this year!
Post Falls Progress Photo Gallery
Update from May 4, 2022.

Update: Post Falls Topping Off Ceremony and Construction Site Photos.
Photos from the Topping Off Ceremony for the Idaho State Veterans Home being constructed in Post Falls. This event occurred on Thursday, August 26, 2021. Special Guests included Governor Brad Little, Post Falls Mayor Ron Jacobson, Idaho Veterans Assistance League – Post Falls member Len Crosby, Don Jacklin, and Doyle Jacklin (the Jacklin Family donated the land where the home is being constructed). Additionally, Chief Administrator Mark Tschampl, Deputy Chief Administrator Tracy Schaner, and Idaho State Veterans Home – Lewiston Administrator Mark High were in attendance.
Rendering of Post Falls Veterans Home Front Entrance in front of construction site. Therapy and Sports “Bar” Entry Rendering. Veteran signing the beam. Veterans signing the beam. Deputy Chief Administrator Tracy Schaner signing the beam, with Lewiston Home Administrator in the foreground. More Veterans signing the beam. IDVS employee Mitzi Cheldelin and DPW employee Elaine Hill with the beam. Major Sanchez, US Army with IVAC Commissioner Jinny Cash. Construction Site. Veterans and members of the public signing the beam. IDVS Chief Administrator Mark Tschampl before the event begins. Governor Little Governor Little speaking to the public. Mayor Jacobson of Post Falls speaking to the crowd. Don Jacklin speaking to the crowd. Doyle Jacklin speaking to the crowd. L to R: Post Falls Mayor Jacobson, Len Crosby, IDVS Chief Administrator Mark Tschampl, Governor Brad Little, Don Jacklin, and Doyle Jacklin. Members of the Jacklin Family signing the beam. Members of the Jacklin Family signing the beam. IDVS Chief Administrator Mark Tschampl signing the beam. Beam being lifted. Beam being raised by crane. Crane positioning the beam. Beam being placed. Beam in place.
New Idaho State Veterans Home in Post Falls Celebrates Construction Milestone with Topping Off Ceremony
For Immediate Release
August 17, 2021
Post Falls, ID – The Idaho Division of Veterans Services (IDVS) will be celebrating a significant construction milestone for the new Idaho State Veterans Home being built in Post Falls.
A ceremony will be observed on Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 10:30 AM (PDT) at 1180 Clearwater Loop in the Riverbend Commerce Park in Post Falls. Guest speakers include Governor Brad Little, IDVS Chief Administrator Mark Tschampl, Post Falls Mayor Ronald Jacobson, and members of the Jacklin family, who generously donated the land where the new State Veterans Home is being built.
Half an hour prior to the ceremony, the topping out beam will be available to sign. Members of the public are encouraged to attend. Markers will be available for the public to sign their names and write short messages honoring our Veterans. Due to the ongoing COVID pandemic, we do request that attendees wear masks and practice physical distancing.
Parking is available in the ALK Source Materials north parking lot.
Completion of Idaho’s fourth State Veterans Home is scheduled for Fall of 2022. When completed, the Post Falls Home will be approximately 85,000 gross square feet consisting of:
- One resident neighborhood and a separate community center.
- 64 bed neighborhoods subdivided into 4 household wings, each supporting 16 private resident rooms with private bathrooms.
- Each household will have its own den, sitting lounge, and living area. There are also 2 dedicated dining areas and kitchens that are shared by two households along with multiple outdoor patio areas.
- Each household will also have direct access to the main community center, which will include a chapel, barber/beauty shop, bistro, activities center and multipurpose room, sports club, and therapy room/gym.
- The home will include a central food preparation area, laundry facility, maintenance shop, supply/loading dock area and an administrative office.
- The home will also have a separate entrance on the backside of the Home for our Post Falls Office of Veterans Advocacy with offices for 2 Veterans Service Officers and an Administrative Assistant.
For additional information regarding the new Idaho State Veterans Home in Post Falls, please visit https://veterans.idaho.gov/veterans-homes/post-falls-veterans-home/, email idvs@veterans.idaho.gov, or call 208-780-1300.
Post Falls Veterans Home Construction Update
We are pleased to announce that we met our April 2021 target of restarting construction on our Post Falls Veterans Home. We are currently on track with final foundation slaps being poured and progressing to steel and framing in July. Although we postponed construction through the winter months, there was a lot of work being done behind the scenes.
Our agency applied and was awarded 3 additional VA grants for federal relief funding related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. These 3 new VA construction grants allowed for incorporating modifications to the original design which were needed to meet the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike the original VA construction grant, which is a 65% match in federal funding, these 3 additional grant opportunities were 100% federally funded.
Several of these Post Falls structural and redesign alterations are similar to recently completed retrofits at our State Veterans Homes in Boise, Lewiston and Pocatello. These alterations are intended to enhance the quality of care and services our residents receive as well as protect our residents and staff. They include:
- making modifications to the public entrance of the Home to allow for screening of visitors;
- upgrading the HVAC system and incorporating UV lighting;
- adding a designated staff screening vestibule and staff locker room; and
- adding a resident/family visitation suite that can be used during an outbreak, or in times when visitation requirements are restricted.
Our Post Falls’ VA federal relief grant funding will also cover the costs of reincorporating additional durable tile, wall and window surfaces to help with infection control and it will fund our piped oxygen system into our resident rooms at 100%.
Final completion of our 4th Home is scheduled for Fall of 2022! When complete, the Post Falls Home will be approximately 85,000 gross square feet consisting of:
- One resident neighborhood and a separate community center.
- 64 bed neighborhoods subdivided into 4 household wings, each supporting 16 private resident rooms with private bathrooms.
- Each household will have its own den, sitting lounge, and living area. There are also 2 dedicated dining areas and kitchens that are shared by two households along with multiple outdoor patio areas.
- Each household will also have direct access to the main community center, which will include a chapel, barber/beauty shop, bistro, activities center and multipurpose room, sports club, and therapy room/gym.
- The home will include a central food preparation area, laundry facility, maintenance shop, supply/loading dock area and an administrative office.
- The home will also have a separate entrance on the backside of the Home for our Post Falls Office of Veterans Advocacy with offices for 2 Veterans Service Officers and an Administrative Assistant.
Photos of Renderings of the Post Falls Home.
Keep an eye on this webpage, as we will periodically post progress updates. As we near timeline completion (likely 4-6 months prior to opening) we will announce when we are accepting pre-applications for residency, which will also be posted on our website.
Also, with the pandemic restrictions preventing a Ground Breaking Ceremony in 2020, we are now working on coordinating a Structural Topping Out Ceremony to properly celebrate the construction of this facility. This ceremony will entail a painted steel beam that will be set-up outside of the job trailer for VIPs and other attendees to sign. It will then be hoisted into place to signify the “Topping Out” of the building structure. The date of this ceremony will be announced in the coming weeks!